DevTool Canvas
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DevTool Canvas is main component for displaying DevTool using a UI Elements.
Most easiest way to create DevTool Canvas it's use ready made prefab. To find it, go by this path in your project:
Assets/RenownedGames/DevTool/Prefabs/Canvas/DevTool Canvas.prefab
Drag and drop at the your scene.
Don't forget, Event System required to work DevTool Canvas. Make sure that you create it, in the scene where you use DevTool Canvas.
After that you start a play to test it.
To change some settings of canvas edit DevTool Canvas component.
Rect Transform which will be used as parent for all items.
Max Display Items
How much items can be drawed per time.
Title Text
Display current path name.
Show Full Path
If true will be displayed absolute path to directory.
Pause Settings
Pause Game
If true game will be paused after enabling DevTool Canvas
Game Object
Pause message panel.
Tick Rate
Notification tick rate of pause message panel.
Message Settings
Game Object
Command execution result message panel.
Command execution result message text.
Input Settings
Parent Directory
Input key for opening parent directory of current.
After drag&drop and start game canvas will be active at all the time. For toggling canvas by specified key you can use Canvas Toggle. To create it, click right mouse button on hierarhy window and select Create Canvas Toggle.
After that add your canvas here and set specified key to toggle it