Animation System

Default States

Here we describe a set of standard animations by writing the name of the animation, specifying the layer and the transition time from this animation to others.



Fire State

Animation of shooting.

Dry Fire State

Animation of shooting when there is no cartridge in the store.

Fire Zoom State

Animation of shooting in aiming.

Dry Fire Zoom State

Animation of shooting in aiming when there is no cartridge in the magazine.

Default Parameters

Here we configure the animation parameters. By matching the parameter names from the animator with the fields.

Ovveride State Speed



Base Reload Multiplier

Animation acceleration coefficient for partial reloading (there are cartridges left in the store)

Full Reload Multiplier

Animation acceleration coefficient when fully reloaded (there is no cartridge left in the store)

Custom State Events

It is responsible for playing the animation under certain conditions.

We must select the component and the function we need.

Then we need to specify the name of the animation that should be played when calling the corresponding function, the animation layer, and the time for which the animation will change.

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