Type description and basic instructions.
AIPerceptionConfig is base abstract class for all perception configs such as SightConfig.
Perception configs are used to imitate different senses of AI agents.
To create a custom perception config you should inherit from AIPerceptionConfig class and implement logic that is described below.
When inheriting from AIPerceptionConfig you have to override OnTargetUpdated event.
OnTargetUpdated gets called when perception config has updated the target.
When inheriting from AIPerceptionConfig you can override Initialize method.
Initialize gets called once when initializing config.
Paremeter "owner" is a reference of AI perception owner.
When inheriting from AIPerceptionConfig you can override OnStart method.
OnStart gets called on the frame when a script is enabled, just before any of the Update methods are called the first time.
When inheriting from AIPerceptionConfig you can override OnUpdate method.
OnUpdate gets called every frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled.
When inheriting from AIPerceptionConfig you can override OnStop method.
OnStop gets called when the config becomes destroyed.
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