Move To
Node description and basic instructions
Last updated
Node description and basic instructions
Last updated
Moves in the direction of the selected point and if the distance between the AI and the selected point is less than the radius of the agent, it returns Success, otherwise Running.
To create it, right-click on free space in AI Tree inspector and select Create Node/Tasks/NavMesh/Move To.
This task node has a number of fields, that are highlighted in picture below.
Node Name
Name of node
Ignore About Self
Whether node ignores abort self or not
The key that is used as the point to which the AI moves along the NavMesh
Acceptable Radius
The radius at the occurrence of the point at which the AI stops
Include Agent Radius
Adding the radius of the AI agent to the allowable radius
Include Goal Radius
Adding to the allowable radius the radius of the agent of the point or capsules of the collider
Allow Partial Path
Resolves a partial path in the AI of the agent otherwise returns Failure when agent.path Status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathPartial.
Track Moving Goal
Should I follow the point at the moment
Go Last Point On Lost
When losing target return to the last position where the AI direction point was