Set Float
Node description and basic instructions
Last updated
Node description and basic instructions
Last updated
Send float values to the Animator to affect transitions.
Use SetFloat to send float values to the Animator in order to activate transitions. In the Animator, define what values affect how certain animations transition. This is useful in various situations, especially in animation cycles such as movement animations where you might require the character to walk or run depending on the button pressure applied.
To create it, right-click in the editor and select Create Node/Tasks/Animator/Set Float.
This task node has a number of fields, that are highlighted in picture below.
Node Name
Name of node
Ignore About Self
Whether node ignores abort self or not
Parameter Name
Parameter name/ID number
Parameter value (float value/Blackboard key)
You can identify the parameter by name or by ID number, but the name or ID number must be the same as the parameter you want to change in the Animator.