Add Explosion Force
Node description and basic instructions
Last updated
Node description and basic instructions
Last updated
Applies a force to a rigidbody that simulates explosion effects.
The explosion is modelled as a sphere with a certain centre position and radius in world space; normally, anything outside the sphere is not affected by the explosion and the force decreases in proportion to distance from the centre. However, if a value of zero is passed for the radius then the full force will be applied regardless of how far the centre is from the rigidbody.
This function applies a force to the object at the point on the surface of the rigidbody that is closest to explosionPosition. The force acts along the direction from explosionPosition to the surface point on the rigidbody. If explosionPosition is inside the rigidbody, or the rigidbody has no active colliders, then the center of mass is used instead of the closest point on the surface.
The magnitude of the force depends on the distance between explosionPosition and the point where the force was applied. As the distance between explosionPosition and the force point increases, the actual applied force decreases.
The vertical direction of the force can be modified using upwardsModifier. If this parameter is greater than zero, the force is applied at the point on the surface of the Rigidbody that is closest to explosionPosition but shifted along the y-axis by negative upwardsModifier. Using this parameter, you can make the explosion appear to throw objects up into the air, which can give a more dramatic effect rather than a simple outward force. Force can be applied only to an active rigidbody. If a GameObject is inactive, AddExplosionForce has no effect.
To create it, right-click on free space in AI Tree inspector and select Create Node/Tasks/Rigidbody/Add Explosion Force.
This task node has a number of fields, that are highlighted in picture below.
Node Name
Name of node
Ignore Abort Self
Whether node ignores abort self or not
Rigidbody of center GameObject of explosion
Explosion Force
Force of the explosion (which may be modified by distance)
Explosion Position
Center of the sphere within which the explosion has its effect
Explosion Radius
Radius of the sphere within which the explosion has its effect
Upwards Modifier
Adjustment to the apparent position of the explosion to make it seem to lift objects
Method used to apply the force to its targets