
The Blackboard asset can be considered as the "brain" of the AI and stores Key values that the Behavior Tree uses to make its decisions.

Creating and activating Blackboard

Click on the Assets tab, then select Create/Renowned Games/Blackboard

Also you can right-click in the Project Window, then select Create/Renowned Games/Blackboard

The new Blackboard asset will be added to the Project Window which you can rename to your desired name.

To connect Blackboard to the Behavior Tree, click on the Behavior Tree we need and drag the desired Blackboard into the Behavior Tree inspector window where the Blackboard field will be.

You can also add it by clicking on the field with blackboard and select it from all the blackboards in the project.

Setting up Blackboard

Double click on the board to open it in front of you

To create a Key, click on the New Key tab.

In the window that opens, select the Key type.

After that, it will appear in the field where all the Keys on the board are shown.

In this window you can edit the name, description, type, value and category of the selected Key.

Sync it means that the key is global, that is, if you add this board to another tree, its value will remain and will change in all boards at the same time.

Parent in this field, you can put a parent Blackboard from which all its keys will be available.

Last updated