
Flow Control

Flow control - during the execution of the node check, if the value has changed and if the check outputs a different value, it exits the node:

Notify observer

Notify observer - In which case should notify the observer?


On Value Change

Whenever key value gets updated. Called even if the new value is equal to the previous one.

On Result Change

Only when key value actually changes.

Observer Abort

Observer abort - what happens when exiting the node.



Without checking the node.


Abort self and any subtrees running under this node.

Low Priority

Abort any nodes to the right of this node.


Abort self, any subtrees running under this node, and any nodes to the right of this node.


Some decorators use comparers to check if key values meet certain condition.

Different types of key values use different comparers.

Comparers used for each type of key values are described below.

Check box - only checks if bool value is true or false.

Example of how to select comparer for bool key is shown below.

Last updated